
English for Business and Professional Communication - BA(Hons) 入學及就業一問

English for Business and Professional Communication - BA(Hons) 入學及就業一問

我今年打算報讀理大既 English for Business and Professional Communication - BA(Hons), 我對依一科興趣好大, 唔知佢過往收生成績既GPA大約係幾多??

另一方面, 依個course讀完之後, 張畢業證書同full time既學生有否分別, 即係我們完成左依個 programme 後, 張畢業證書係唔係會有特首簽署及理大校長既簽署呢?? 有無畢業既師兄姐分享, Thanks!  

最後, 完成 English for Business and Professional Communication - BA(Hons)後, 將來既出路係點樣, 如果我本身無讀過會計/ 經濟, 又無考 BULATS , 但讀左依個課程, 係唔係會好難找到工作?? 唔知有無師兄姐, 完成左讀依個course後, 係從事什麼類型既工作呢??

同時我又想問, 讀完依科, 可否教書, 如英文?? 有無師兄姐可以分享下, 唔該您地呀!   祝大家新年愉快!


冇讀過account , econ 冇咩影響ga wor ...  呢科係BA ...主要係讀language gei 野 ... focus on management , marketing 多d...
至於出黎做咩 ... 主要係企業傳訊, mkt , mgt trainee個d 都ok gei ...
讀完呢科... 做gei 工同account , econ 都唔同gei ...
account , econ mainly work in accounting and finance field but English for Business and Professional Communication students mainly work in public relation or mkt , mgt trainee .


唔該晒你 !  仲有我想問下, 畢業既證書, 會唔會同理大全日制ugc學士一樣, 畢業證書有特首及校長既簽署?? 如果讀完依科之後, 可唔可以從事教書, 例如教中小學英文科既工作?? Thanks!


如果programme 係poly u 安排gei ... 無論係UGC or sef-finance 都一樣, certificate is the same . all welfare for both ugc and self finance are the same in the school. The main difference are the tution fee.

U can become a teacher also, but less people will tend to do this. Be coz u need to study 1 year education dipolma.


唔該你呀火雲人物, 你真係好人啦 答到我好多想知問題, 好詳細呀! Thank you very much!


我仲想問一個問題, 最近聽有人講, 係理大全日制學士畢業前, 一定要考中英及普通話 (三文兩語出關試), 如果讀依個 part-time degree, 係唔係都要考依個試?? 如果要考, 我們需要考到幾多分先至可以畢業呢??

另外, 我想問 BA(Hons) English for Business and Profesional Communication, 依個program 既測考形式係點樣, 例如係着重考試, group project, 定係individual assessment?? 唔知有無師兄姐幫忙解答問題?? 唔該晒!


i've got one question. my friend grew up in South Africa and Canada and only took overseas public exams (2A1B1C). his english level is more or less as foreign guys. he studied in UBC and SFU for 2 years and then completed diploma in aircraft engineering (with top student award). now he's not working and planning to take this programme in hong kong. so would he be possible to get an offer? does polyu consider such case if his major was not related to either Language or Business/Communication before?




my friend submited application already
and you? i just wonder how polyu considers his case


hello, I am also interested in this program too.  I graduated in Ass Deg in HKUSPACE, gpa is 2.9; have 3 year working exp.  anyone can tell me that do they see AL result?  And what are the important factors of taking this program and the entrance requirements???   Thanks@@@


有冇師兄知呢科幾多GPA以上拿到 second-low畢業 ?

