
(Pearl) House 醫神(III) 2008-12-09 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

(Pearl) House 醫神(III) 2008-12-09 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

(Pearl) House 醫神(III) 2008-12-09 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 252 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

9 Dec 2008        Top Sexret

House is bewildered yet intrigued when he meets his newest patient, John Kelley, an ex-Marine who had saved House's life in a very realistic dream the night before. House is puzzled about how this man could have appeared in his dream before he met him. Recently returned from a two-year deployment in Iraq, Kelley is complaining of fatigue, pain and other non-specific ailments he thinks are the result of Gulf War Syndrome. Just like the V.A. doctors before them, the team is wary about the validity of Kelley's symptoms, but since his uncle is an important benefactor to the hospital, they continue to investigate his case.

Meanwhile, House is suffering from ailments of his own – he is unable to urinate, most likely a side effect of his Vicodin abuse, and is sleep deprived. Unable to concentrate on the case, he eventually turns to Wilson for an under-the-table prescription. While administering tests in the sleep lab, Cameron and Chase forego their clinical duties when they find each other (and a bed in the sleep lab) much more exciting. A foul infection shows up in Kelley's mouth while Cameron and Chase were supposed to have been on the clock, and his condition only worsens as he begins to lose his hearing, sight and mobility. A brain scan reveals tumors in Kelly's brain that were not there a week earlier when the government doctors at the V.A. examined him.

When traces of uranium show up in Kelley's test results, the team wonders if the government had something to hide in the “Top Secret” episode of HOUSE.

今集House的病人,竟然是曾在夢境救他一命的海軍陸戰隊退役士兵Kelley!Kelley 曾於伊拉克駐守兩年,回國後卻常感到疲累和出現疼痛的現象。一眾醫生均對Kelley的病情有所保留,但礙於Kelley的叔父為醫院的重要捐助人,眾人 被逼處理他的個案……另一方面,House疑因服藥過多而小便困難。

Pearl House CH16 2008 12 08 Divx

