
New World Order & Daniel 7 , 8

New World Order & Daniel 7 , 8

今天早上好驚喜   基督徒不是全盲   http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/commentary/3_4.htm

Daniel 7 Describes the four beasts that have risen up. Initially, in Daniel 8 we saw that there were four horns vying for power in the power vaccuum when the original horn got broken. However, as we read the descriptions of these four powers it is easy to see that they are not equal. The first three beast do not do anything on their own power. They are controled by the fourth power and they are little more than pawns or puppets. The fourth power is most likely the power that the other three follow because we can see that it is different from all the rest

Also we can see that it is the dragon, or Satan who has given this fourth beast its great power over all the earth.
Satan makes sure that this power is worshipped by the people of the world. It seems that the main purpose for this power is to persecute the righteous to the point of death.
Quite a bit of description is present on the terrible beast attacking the righteous.
Revelation 13 has the four beasts as a single beast but with all the attributes of the four beast of Daniel 7. Count the heads and horns. They all come out the same. In addition, the same animals are mentioned when describing body parts.
Only after the actual activities described in these books actually start happening, will we be able to fully understand what is happening and how bad it is going to be.

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Many were so alarmed by the accuracy of Daniel's prophecy.  The leopard with wings was Greece and Alexander the Great rose and conquered the known earth within a very short period of time, however, he died young.  After his death, the Hellenistic Empire was divided into different parts which was described as the northern, southern, etc. in Chapter 11.  Some Jews who only read the Old Testament, have been reading Daniel for the prophecy of the end of days.  

I have heard differently for the following terms :
Sea - Jews in the old days consider the sea as mysterious and things coming out from the sea would be "no good"
the Bear being able to stand on its feet like man and having a human heart - Nebuchadnezzar finally praised G-d (Daniel 4:34-37).


但8:3 我舉目觀看,見有雙角的公綿羊站在(烏萊)河邊,兩角都高。這角高過那角,更高的是後長的。
8:20 你所看見雙角的公綿羊,就是米底亞和波斯王。
8:8 這山羊極其自高自大,正強盛的時候,那大角折斷了,又在角根上向天的四方(原文是風)長出四個非常的角來。
8:9 四角(但7章 4獸國)之中有一角長出一個小角(但7章 小角),向南、向東、向榮美之地,漸漸成為強大。
8:21 那公山羊就是希臘王(希臘:原文是雅完;下同);兩眼當中的大角就是頭一王。
8:22 至於那折斷了的角,在其根上又長出四角,這四角就是四國,必從這國裡興起來,只是權勢都不及他。
8:23 這四國末時,犯法的人罪惡滿盈,必有一王興起,面貌凶惡,能用雙關的詐語。
8:24 他的權柄必大,卻不是因自己的能力;他必行非常的毀滅,事情順利,任意而行;又必毀滅有能力的和聖民。
8:25 他用權術成就手中的詭計,心裡自高自大,在人坦然無備的時候,毀滅多人;又要站起來攻擊萬君之君,至終卻非因人手而滅亡

獸就是今天的北約   也就是耶教區+Turks

8:17  Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.


麥子 你要歡喜快樂
15:2 我看見彷彿有玻璃海,其中有火攙雜。又看見那些勝了獸和獸的像並牠名字數目的人,都站在玻璃海上,拿著神的琴,
15:3 唱神僕人摩西的歌,和羔羊的歌,說:主神─全能者啊,你的作為大哉!奇哉!萬世(或作:國)之王啊,你的道途義哉!誠哉!
15:4 主啊,誰敢不敬畏你,不將榮耀歸與你的名呢?因為獨有你是聖的。萬民都要來在你面前敬拜,因你公義的作為已經顯出來了。


獸就是今天的北約   也就是耶教區+Turks
>> I don't think so.

Actually, I do not understand what you are getting at with the quotes above.


I'm afraid you have misunderstood me.
I disagree that it means 北約 because NATO has lost much of its influence and has given way to other organisations.  耶教區+Turks ?  You mean the EU ?  
I honestly do not understand your quotes without explaining your point of view.

