
[自seed] (Pearl) The X Files (I) X 檔案 CH07 2008-09-03 [粵/英語][中字][DivX]

(Pearl) The X Files (I) X 檔案 CH07 2008-09-03 [粵/英語][中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) The X Files (I) X 檔案 CH07 2008-09-03 [粵/英語][中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 271 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

3 Sep 2008        Ghost In The Machine

Mulder and Scully are approached by Special Agent Jerry Lamana, who is on probation for mishandling an important case. Lamana explains that he has been assigned to investigate the murder of Benjamin Drake, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company called Eurisko. Drake was electrocuted when he fell victim to an elaborate boobytrap devised by someone with intimate knowledge of the Central Operating System (COS) at Eurisko's high rise headquarters. Afraid of mishandling yet another important case, Lamana successfully lobbies Mulder and Scully's expertise.

The agents are told by Peterson, the Eurisko building's system engineer, that one of the few people who has access to the building's sophisticated control center is Brad Wilczek, the 30- year-old founder of the company and Drake's arch enemy. Using a voice analyzer, Scully determines that Wilczek disguised his own voice electronically and telephoned Drake moments before his death... playing a key role in the boobytrap.

Mulder和Scully調查一名商業行政人員之死,並懷疑此案與一部懂思考的電腦有關。著名公司Eurisko的總部是一座智慧型的大樓,由 一部人工智慧型的電腦 COS控制,公司總裁Drake在大廈內遭到電擊死亡。大樓的系統工程師告訴Mulder和Scully,Eurisko的創辦人30歲的Wilczek 是數名可以進入COS系統的人之一,他亦是Drake的死對頭。Mulder和Scully利用聲音分析,證明Wilczek曾以電子方法改變自己的聲音 打電話給Drake,之後Drake便遭電擊……

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