
中六生想問有關speech science 同 social science

中六生想問有關speech science 同 social science


but I know if I go through the path of social science of hku
or psycho of cu and try to go to Master of clinical psychologist,
the competition will be very very harsh,

I dun wanna take the risk of getting graduated but not able to study Master兩頭唔到岸, so I am researching for some other safer routes that can make sure I can do wt I want in the future

Q1) Does the course in psycho pay many attention on Surveying, Statistic and Researching? Becos research really isn’t the thing I want, I jus wanna learn how to cure mental illness

Q2) Does the course in Speech pay many attention on teaching ppl how to make the correct sound? Could I choose the courses closer to the psychological area, to focus on speech disorders that are psychological, e.g autism, mutism?

My present naïve plan is, first I study Speech in hku, and get a stable job as speech therapist, then later apply for hku or cu psycho master……

can anyone help me plan plan my path?

Thz a lot~~~


如果你好討厭research, 建議你唔好考慮psycho

psycho 無論如何一定會接觸到好多同research 相關既東西, 如果想讀上更必定要做thesis, 俾你入到去讀cp, 又要做一份thesis, 你唔喜歡的話, 會讀得好辛苦好沒趣

如果真係有想做既野, 就努力盡力去做吧~ 要有成果自然要下苦工, 如果只不過怕難就唔去讀, 我覺得你會錯過好多機會

btw, 你無一個psyc major 既degree, 應該報唔到master in cp



psycho = a lot of stats + a lot of researches

all the counseling we do are TOTALLY based on emprical evidences.
In order to "cure mental illness" u must know how to work out the stat of everything and how the norm behave.

I wonder how could one do clinical work without researches...

if u wanna work in the counseling field, go get a counseling degree. CP is not the thing for you.
Check out the psychology course in SYU or BU for related information

