
Poly U MSc in Industrial Logistics Systems

Poly U MSc in Industrial Logistics Systems

我想問問有沒有人兄正在讀或者讀緊呢個course? 我想讀呢個course但係唔知好唔好...




話說我最近在一份免費報紙上見到他的廣告,什麽“知識”、” “科技”、” “物流”,然後放眼世界並寫着 “Fast track to obtain 2 Master degrees with a big pool of common subjects”,真是嚇死人!! 好似抄冷飯送汽水外賣不加錢一樣。
我本來都想報,現在還是他們的MBA穩陣,他們不同stream都有很多common subjects,不過沒有一鷄兩味這麽cheap.
其實ERP是industrial engineering、project management、information system之類的學科,不一定是logistics呢!  慢慢看,不能心急。


該評論不正確有誤導成份. 選讀物流,科技或知識管理所需時間及學分與其它碩士課程一樣, 只不過在讀完該碩士後, 同學想繼續多念一個碩士課程, 有關相同的選修學科, 可獲豁免重讀. 現在不止只在碩士, 在很多大谏裡修讀學士,也有這個安排. 同學可選修雙學位課程( Dual award), 多花一年時間, 即可多拿一個谏位, 例如士木與法律, 計算機及管理, 在世界明牌大谏, 例如MIT, 例子不少.  現在知識發展, 一日千里, 很多學問領域己是跨谏科, 傳辏學習模式, 部份己經跟不上社會所需.  所有正規大學所頒授位,不論碩士或學士, 均有嚴格監管, 同學畢業某學科, 必需擁有該學科所規定的知識和谏習經歷, 才可肆業. 君不見很多人想讀法律, 從大學開始, 需時多年, 假若己有大學本科學位, 時間就可縮短, 道理一樣.


i agree.
now, this MSc just like in the market, different titles, but with many overlappings.
ERP is just a topic within the domain of industrial engineering. nowadays the universities are just selling different titles, depends on the market needs.
also, the taught masters are now not as worthy as in the old days, just in a short period to get more than one degree is also not good.


口吻與Poly的回覆差不多一樣,如果是阿Sir的話,就不好意思了。首先,我對跨學科知識學習是絕對讚同的,我本人亦是雙學位的畢業生。 一個好課程(碩士或學士)的學分能得其他大學課程的部份或全部成認(credit transfer)是一件很普通的事。再進修時,時間能縮短一點,也無需意外。 再者,縱使知識一日千里,我們也要一步一步的走,不能輕言拋棄前人的傳統,不要忘記今天的經濟環境就是由先進社會用殺鷄取卵的方法所做成。
我的問題是:為什麼大學用“Fast track to obtain 2 Master degrees with a big pool of common subjects”的口號??  那是一句速銷和大減價似的口號,如“3個月減肥和美容2合1的極速配方”。能吸引到什麼心態的消費者,就心中有數了!  只要課程有質素、監管嚴格,又何需於此!  要知道UST和CU的EMBA也只不過用大概18個月時間就能完成,但相信學生沒有把這個時間計較(如果是3年的話,我相信也一樣有這麼多人修讀)或有吃快餐的感覺。 第二,土木與法律、計算機及管理等雙學位課程都是由二個或以上的學院合作設計;反觀這個物流、科技、知識三合一的就是由一個學院下的一個學系單一付責,有幾多跨領域的,可想而知(所以我用抄冷飯形容)。 試想想,在同一學系中,拿下10個MSc又有什麼意思?? 做老師的,也不好這樣見意同學吧。
最後,在這大學論壇請勿輕易斷言他人言論不正確或誤導。 當然,每人都持不同觀點和立場,同意可支持;不同意可反對。這樣氣氛會好一些。


thanks Elton97.
I totally agree with you.
The promotion slogan of this dept even promotes the fast food culture.
The nowadays students already are short-cut oriented, they prefer fast-track, but never focus on the foundation of knowledge.
And now, selling multiple degrees in a short period just as easy as buying degrees.
I have met many part time master students recently, I found they are very incompetent. However, they think themselves are competent becos they almost have got a higher degree!
many so-called master students now are even worse than the undergraduates in the old days. It is because the universities are selling too many masters degrees, and there are too many so-called masters in the market.


tks all for suggestions

我都想各位表達下意見才作決定. 我都有想過讀其他學科master, 去增加多點自己物流degree外既知識, 可是如果我修一些不是關於物流既degree course, e.g. MBA 我怕會被"屈機"......


如果HCLC是20出頭的話,不妨想想兩、三年後的前途問題,反正讀一個碩士往往用上兩年時間再加起碼十萬、八萬的學費,是比較大的投資,一定要看清楚課程內容能否配合自己未來(起碼兩年後)的需要,年輕人不要怕嘗試。  如果現在需要的是一些Ad Hoc知識,可考慮專業學會的短期課程,有一針見血的效果。
總之,你有經驗和first degree在手的話,就不好太心急,大學的碩士課程多的是! 最怕讀完之後得張紙。


仲 Lo 乜鬼gistics 丫。。。。。。。。。。




i agree.
now, this MSc just like in the market, different titles, but with many overlappings.
ERP is just a topic within the domain of industrial engineering. nowadays the universities are just selling different titles, depends on the market needs.
also, the taught masters are now not as worthy as in the old days, just in a short period to get more than one degree is also not good.


thanks Elton97.
I totally agree with you.
The promotion slogan of this dept even promotes the fast food culture.
The nowadays students already are short-cut oriented, they prefer fast-track, but never focus on the foundation of knowledge.
And now, selling multiple degrees in a short period just as easy as buying degrees.
I have met many part time master students recently, I found they are very incompetent. However, they think themselves are competent becos they almost have got a higher degree!
many so-called master students now are even worse than the undergraduates in the old days. It is because the universities are selling too many masters degrees, and there are too many so-called masters in the market.



