


大家好~ 本人5月初會到美國西部
本人打算會去San Franciso, Las Vegas and Los Angelas..時間打算花(7-10天,夠嗎)
1. 除左上述三個地方..西部仲有冇其他地方好值得去??
2.o黎三個地方有咩一定要去?? 去大峽谷條玻璃橋入場費係幾多??
3. 大家有冇建議我應該去邊度先..令搭車個d方便d..(本人打算從東部飛到西部Las Vegas先..then take greyhound to Los Aangelas...then take plane to San Franciso..)
   因為後者見delta 個price 同greyhound 相差around US$33
Thanks a lot!!!!


I just went to Grand Canyon Skywalk, and it was quite expensive. I drove there so I don't know how much it is if you take local tour. First of all, parking is US$20 per car, entrance fee (without even going on the Skywalk) is US$30 per person and going on the Skywalk is another US$30. Cameras are not allowed on the Skywalk, so if you want to take pictures, it has to be taken by the staff and they will charge you US$30  per picture, the more you order, the cheaper it gets. All in all, it is definitely not cheap to go to Skywalk.


well, if you have only 7-10 days, I don't suggest you to go to the glass bridge because it is kinda far to go. you can just go to north rim of grand canyon and hoover dam since you'll go to LV.


由 LV 去大峽谷多數會去 South Rim,因為大部份旅遊設施都係果度。North Rim 自由行少人去,團就更加無咁滯。
Skywalk 係 Grand Canyon West,同 South Rim 完全係兩個地方。我未去過 skywalk,不過覺得太人工化,同埋收得太貴了。
10日去3個地方,勉強都夠睇下d主要景點,睇你點取捨啦。例如 LA 會唔會去迪迪尼同環球片場,已經係兩日既分別。
2 days LV + 1 day grand canyon
3-4 days LA
3 days SF


sorry, 我記錯咗  
我記得一邊近D LV, 應該係SOUTH RIM


其實我唔知 用九日去 三個city 係咪真係夠.. 因為我係打算spring break 去..
otherwise, I can go there in May, after my semester ends...
And I wanna know which places in East Coast are worth to go, except NY; Washington.
(Is Chicago, Boston worth to go?? I wanna go to see the Niagar Falls, is it close to Boston?)


Actually, I dun wanna go to Universal Studio and Disney as I have benn that places in Orlando...


I live in Las Vegas and have been to the cities you mentioned.  Here is my suggestion.
After arrival into Las Vegas, take in a show - "O" Show @ the Bellagio, "Ka" show @ the MGM,  "La Reve" @ Wynn are the Grand productions, if you want to see an extravaganza show girl (topless or not) show, the Jubilee show at Bally's is worthwhile.  Next day, go to the South Rim Grand Canyon - far but the #1 attraction in the world - it includes photo stop at Hoover Dam.  This trip will take over 15 hours of your time but definately worth it if you are into taking the grandier of Nature.  A bus ride to Los Angeles could take you approximately 5 hours and this also depends on where you are staying in LA.  If you have been to Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, what do you want to do in Los Angeles?   In San Francisco, take in a city tour - Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz...

There are number of National Parks that surrounds this area, such as Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Monument Valley, etc...  It all depends on what you are interested in.  If you have any questions, you can email me anytime.

