
vsftp 奇怪問題

vsftp 奇怪問題

小弟用了Fedora 9 內的 vsftp 起了個FTP Server, 可以正常upload和download.
但最奇怪是它對 avi file 好像好抗拒...

我把一個大約 7MB 既 avi file upload 上去, 然後再download 下來.
原本可以看到的 avi file 就變成了 看不到. Double Click 呢個 avi file, Windows Media Player 會話找不到 Codec !
但這個avi file 原本是睇過的, 試了幾個 avi file 都係咁.
但 傳送其他 word, excel 和 PDF file 都沒問題.

請問有沒有其他人試過這問題 ? 有解決辦法嗎 ? Thanks !


試下加左RAR / ZIP 先上載


試下加左RAR / ZIP 先上載




Please modify vsftpd.conf as follows:

1. change xferlog_std_format=YES to xferlog_std_format=NO

2. Add log_ftp_protocol=YES

vsftpd.conf usually resides in the directory /etc/vsftpd

After modify the configuration file

1. Stop vsftpd when no one is using it.

2. Check any orphan vsftpd processes and start it again to make sure vsftpd is cleanly using the new configuration.

3. Do a problematic file transfer as mentioned.

4. In the directory /var/log, read the corresponding vsftpd log entries.

5. If you are not sure how to interpret it, post the corresponding log entries here.  If you post it here, you may want to remove user-id, file name, etc. in the entries as they may be sensitive.

Remember to remove the modification in vsftpd.conf after taking log or it may affect your system somehow.


試下加左RAR / ZIP 先上載




Please modify vsftpd.conf as follows:

1. change xferlog_std_format=YES to xferlog_std_format=NO

2. Add log_ftp_protocol=YES

vsftpd.conf usually resides in the directory /etc/vsftpd

After modify the configuration file

1. Stop vsftpd when no one is using it.

2. Check any orphan vsftpd processes and start it again to make sure vsftpd is cleanly using the new configuration.

3. Do a problematic file transfer as mentioned.

4. In the directory /var/log, read the corresponding vsftpd log entries.

5. If you are not sure how to interpret it, post the corresponding log entries here.  If you post it here, you may want to remove user-id, file name, etc. in the entries as they may be sensitive.

Remember to remove the modification in vsftpd.conf after taking log or it may affect your system somehow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               



