


(明報)3月9日 星期一 17:05

兩名死者是Pang Chi Lung和Joanne Wai Cheung,與一批人在上述地方潛水,但二人未能,他們後來被發現在海牀昏迷,救上水後送院後不治。
當地的GMA電視台稱,該支潛水隊的領隊名Cheung Hung Kam,他發現男女死者時他們已昏迷,送院後不治。
報道稱,兩名死者和其他人在三月六日從香港帶同一些潛水器具抵埗,住在宿霧的拉普拉普市的Paradive Beach Resort度假酒店。(即時新聞)


It is very sad.....

Anymore detail what happens under the water??? The other buddy wanted to rescue his partner but both died finally???                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


(明報)3月9日 星期一 18:55
兩名男女港人昨日在菲律賓    中部的宿霧的Olango島潛水時遇溺死亡,當地電視台稱,他們在三月六日抵埗。

兩名死者姓名譯音是44歲的彭智龍(Pang Chi Lung)和28歲的張慧(Joanne Wai Cheung),與一批人在上述地方潛水,但二人未能上水    ,他們後來被發現在海牀昏迷,救上水後送院後不治。據當地醫院稱,兩名死者是香港人。

當地的GMA電視台稱,該支潛水隊的領隊名Cheung Hung Kam,他發現男女死者時他們已昏迷,送院後不治。

報道稱,兩名死者和其他人在三月六日從香港帶同一些潛水器具抵埗,住在宿霧的拉普拉普市的Paradive Beach Resort度假酒店。

新華社稱,兩名來自香港的死者一人是美國    籍,另一人是加拿大籍。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


2009/03/09 17:45 Yahoo - 明報 即時新聞


兩名男女港人昨日在菲律賓中部的宿霧的 Olango 島潛水時遇溺死亡,當地電視台稱,他們在三月六日抵埗。

兩名死者姓名譯音是 44 歲的彭智龍 (Pang Chi Lung) 和 28 歲的張慧 (Joanne Wai Cheung),與一批人在上述地方潛水,但二人未能上水,他們後來被發現在海牀昏迷,救上水後送院後不治。據當地醫院稱,兩名死者是香港人。

當地的GMA電視台稱,該支潛水隊的領隊名 Cheung Hung Kam,他發現男女死者時他們已昏迷,送院後不治。

報道稱,兩名死者和其他人在三月六日從香港帶同一些潛水器具抵埗,住在宿霧的拉普拉普市的 Paradive Beach Resort 度假酒店。


I feel very sorry for them.
However, I wish to know more details about the cause.  Was it the matter of depth or the equipment?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


我昨天晚上至係paradive resort離開到機場回港, 那時都未出事的



Two Chinese tourists came to Cebu for only one reason: to enjoy its awesome dive spots. They lost their lives instead.
The two Chinese nationals drowned while diving in barangay Tingo, Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu City at around 11 a.m. yesterday, according to PO1 Julius Bolado of the homicide section of Lapu-Lapu City Police Office.

The two divers, identified as Pang Chi-Lung, 44, and Cheung Joanne Wai, 28, were both licensed divers who had been in Cebu just for a few days and were staying at the Para Dive HK Scuba Diving Resort in Punta Engaño, Lapu-Lapu City, Bolado said.

called Para Dive several times but no one answered the resort’s phone listed in the directory. There was also no answer to the calls made to the cellular phone of a certain Figueroa, that according to Bolado was the name and phone number of the resort’s supervisor.

Bolado said the two Chinese nationals belonged to a group of licensed divers from China on a dive holiday in Cebu.

They have already gone to other dive spots in Cebu and Olango Island was supposed to be their last dive before they return home to China, he said.

Olango Island is a favorite dive spot for professional scuba divers as it has one of the deepest wall dives in the Visayas and improved management of coral reefs in nearby marine sanctuaries help to provide an abundant coral and fish life much to the enjoyment of divers, according to the website of the Polaris Dive Resort on Olango Island.

Baring dive site is along the North-Western side of the Island and the wall starts at 60 feet (20 meters) and ends down to about 220ft  before disappearing on a gradual slope. This area is known for strong currents and big sea creatures. There are two large resident sharks (hammerhead and thresher) that have been spotted on and off for the last 10 years.

Tingo Shark Point, the specific dive spot of the Chinese group, is a dive where one hopes to see larger pelagic species.

“You have to make an open water descent to the top of a deep reef, where you find a sandy bottom sloping even to greater depth. Settle down in some shelter and look out at anything that would pass by. At the drop off, you encounter greater fish and often one or two thresher sharks. If you are very lucky some hammerhead sharks pass by. Strong surges and fierce unpredictable currents; a site for advanced divers only,” the website added.

Pang and Cheung were with four other Chinese tourists, all licensed divers, staying at the same resort that left the resort around 10 a.m. yesterday on board a rented pump boat for their diving expedition on Olango Island, Bolado said.

Among the five foreigners was their own diving instructor, Cheung Hung Kam, according to Bolado.

He said their initial investigation showed that the tourists appeared prepared for the dive as they all wore complete diving gears and had oxygen tanks.

When they arrived in the water off barangay Tingo, Bolado said the Chinese divers immediately went for a dive at a depth of 40 meters.

They were all supposed to be back on the surface after 30 minutes. When the two failed to come out of the water after half an hour, other Chinese divers went back for them but failed to locate them.

A few minutes after the search started, the two missing Chinese were found floating a few meters away from their dive spot. Both were unconscious, Bolado said.

The group immediately loaded their compatriots on the pumpboat and they sped back to the resort where a service car then rushed the two to the Mactan Doctor’s Hospital.

But the two did not reach the hospital alive, Bolado said.

Bolado said the diving instructor told investigators that the two probably failed to check their oxygen indicators and continued diving in deep sea and ran out of air.

“Professional divers na gyud siguro sila kay licensed divers man sila tanan. Disgrasya lang gyud nga last dive na lang unta nila (They were professional divers as they were all licensed divers. It was an accident which unfortunately happened on their last dive),” he added.

But he said they would still conduct further investigation on the incident to ensure there was no foul play in the death of the two Chinese.

He said the other divers in the group, including the dive instructor, were asked to return to the police station today for additional statement on the incident.

The bodies of the two Chinese divers were brought yesterday afternoon to a funeral parlor in Lapu-Lapu City, Bolado said.

He said the other members of the group have also refused to give further statement until the relatives of the victims have arrived in Cebu.

He said the two’s companions have already called relatives of the victims in China and they were expected to arrive in Cebu today.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



But we should dive the deepest in the very 1st dive, say the 1st morning dive in day 1. And in the last day (day 3), the dive should be shallower than the deepest dive. If it said it was 40M in their last day dive, I doubted it. 40M is the max for the recreation diver.

Also, when going back to water surface, the DM should count the number of divers, and the DM should know there were missing 2 divers.

I think maybe the 2 divers faced strong current and got loss of the other divers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


According to all given information, I just wonder if it's a DM to lead this particular dive ??  
There're few curious aspects.


It is easy to prove whether they ran out of air.  Why?  he said "probably".


老手出事 教練救人同傷 2009年3月10日

【明報專訊】港人潛水熱點菲律賓宿霧,前日發生嚴重潛水事故,兩名港人喪命,一人受輕傷。兩名擁有資深潛水經驗的港人男女與友人遠赴宿霧潛水,前日早上眾人到 Olango Island(峨蘭哥島)進行技術潛水時,男女下潛40米後,卻未有在時限內返回水面,同行人士察覺後即進行搜索,最後發現他們昏迷浮於海中。兩人被緊急送往醫院,搶救後不治,死者家屬昨已趕赴當地了解事件。當地警方仍在調查事件起因,並將剖屍確認死因。

兩人均擁外籍 持教練及拯溺牌



事發地點為菲律賓宿霧對開的Olango Island(峨蘭哥島),據當地網頁稱,該地是菲律賓最大的候鳥集中地,海底有不少迷人景致,除了珊瑚及繽紛的魚類外,更有機會目睹長尾鯊游經。不過,峨蘭哥島對開海域浪大且水流湍急,只適合資深潛水人士。

潛水團最後一站 半小時仍未上水





The reasons maybe:

1) Strong current (downward current ?)
2) Divers did not check their oxygen level and other equipments and sunk immediately (very common if guided by a Philippines DM)
3) The DM did not count the number of divers before returning to water surface
4) Improperly dived to the deepest level  in the last dive, that may cause dizzy becoz absorbing too much resident nitrogen

But feeling very sad.....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

