
羅嘉良 陳慧珊所拍狼煙

羅嘉良 陳慧珊所拍狼煙

合拍][狼煙][羅嘉良 陳慧珊 伊能靜 巫剛 杜雨露 陶慧敏 巍子

編劇:王 維 嵇道青
導演:蘇 舟


羅嘉良   伊能靜
巫 剛   陳慧珊
杜雨露   程 愫
侯 勇   陶慧敏
巍 子   張秋歌
寧曉志   傅程鵬
徐洪浩   範 明


中國東部核工業城市寧海陷入戰火恐慌,遭到強敵海﹑陸﹑空的多方面襲擊.寧海再次面臨全面淪陷的危險,市長朱北陽(巫剛飾)痛不欲生……他請求戰區司令員鐘元年﹙杜雨露 飾﹚在寧海組建一支Demotic Reservist,簡稱DR師,並點名要求即將通往將軍之路的DA師代師長高達(羅嘉良飾)為DR師師長。接到任命的高達以為DR師只是一支普通的預備役部隊,抱怨到DR師是軍旅人生的溫柔終結,指責市長朱北陽胡亂點將,要求脫軍裝轉業。朱北陽痛斥高達的逃兵行為,道出組建DR師國防不是軍防的大國防戰略思想,高達終於被一個市長的國防夢想深深打動,潛心組建這支部隊。在組建DR師時,高達意識到要把這支部隊打造成未來天外神兵,必須整合寧海一切社會資源納入指揮一體化的E6W系統。鐘元年提出E6W系統必須經過實戰檢驗,發動了一場代號為 “狼煙行動”的戰爭.

狼煙行動打響,鐘元年對寧海實施重兵圍攻,並派出一支現代化大規模精銳部隊直逼寧海核電站,眼看核電站危在旦夕,高達急中生智,宣布啟動C6SR系統,命令空中、海上、地面投入立體突防,前沿、翼側、縱深全域攻擊,搶灘、奪點、助援同步展開。殲擊機、殲擊轟炸機從海空直撲而下,無數枚航空火箭彈落在敵岸艦導彈陣地上. 鐘元年立即對寧海市實施重兵圍殲和對核電站實施巨大破壞, 其破壞力量可能導致切爾諾貝利災難重演。寧海各方面告急,市政、通信、人防、銀行、機場等等全面陷入重圍, 寧海全線淪陷。高達與朱北陽通過E6W系統中的戰爭未來時程序,派出一支天外神兵,潛入敵最高指揮系統, 篡改最高指揮官的命令,並對敵指揮系統實施全面摧毀……鐘元年贊賞未來戰爭時體現出了全新的人民戰爭威力,將被載入世界新軍事革命的史冊。

就在這場未來的城市保衛戰激戰未酣之時,DA師和DR師同時接到新的作戰命令:“閃電行動”對H 地區實施強勢出擊,渡海登陸……殘酷的殺戮,無助的尖嚦刺破長空……



Finally after waiting almost 2 years, I am able to watch this CCTV production. While I generally like military theme drama serial, I have to admit that the other big reason for me to watch the production is Gallen Lo  . The storyline itself is actually quite interesting and make you understand more how PLA (People Liberation Army) operates.

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD (Please highlight below for the text. Otherwise, skip to the bottom of the page for video of the theme song.)

The entire series focused on City of Ninghai and how to build a defense system for the city. The reason to build thr defense unit has something to do with Ninghai’s history of falling to the enemy twice in the past wars. The current Mayor of Ninghai, Zhu Beiyang requested Central government to build a reserve army unit for Ninghai to prevent history from repeating itself. The one person that Mayor Zhu saw fit to lead such a unit is Senior Colonel Gao Da (Gallen’s character). Demotic Reservist Unit (DR Unit) is a reservist unit with the main function as - just the name implied - a reserved unit in the time of war. Apparently Zhu Beiyang isn’t the only person who eyes Gao Da as the chosen commander for DR Unit. General Chong Yuan Nian - their superior and a two stars  - also has the same person in his mind for the position.

Gao Da is the Acting-Commander of an army unit named “DA unit”. D.A is an active army unit where its soldiers are combat ready for war. The unit can be argue to be the best unit in the army and be able to lead DA unit is the dream of all career military officers. Gao Da is not an exception. His dream is one day to be able to get rid of the word “Acting” in front of his title, become the true Commander of DA unit, and eventually promoted to the rank of General. The assignment to lead a reserve unit nearly crushed him.

The task thttp://myreviewcorner.wordpress.com/o lead DR Unit is anything but easy since the unit need to build from scratch. The commander for the unit need to be someone that is stubborn, strong-headed, and yet determined and confident. The qualities that both General Chong and Mayor Zhu see in Gao Da. For Gao Da, however, he sees DR Unit as career dead-end. While he finally able to get rid of “Acting” word and become a true Commander, he is now dealing with a unit in which its soldiers are never combat trained. To make it worse, most of the DR’s soldiers have the stamina worse than new army recruits. Gao Da is suddenly being throw into mid-life career crisis and even at one point, he considers to resign his commission. Fortunately, he quickly got passed his initial resentment toward DR Unit and determine to build  a DR Unit that will be as strong as his former DA Unit. Being the strong headed person as he is, Gao Da often hit head to head with General Chong and Mayor Zhu to get his way - very much to their dismay. However, at the same time, they also admire his determination and strong will to properly build the DR Unit. Started with a wrong foot with Zhu Beiyang, Gao Da gradually warms up  to Zhu’s dream of DR Unit and works hand in hand with the latter to build DR Unit. Through all their ups and downs, Zhu Beiyang firmly believe that he didn’t choose the wrong man to lead DR Unit.

My thought:

I really think that “Lang Yan” makes an interesting series to watch. At least, it is for me as I like military theme in general. My apologize in advance as I am totally not familiar with the entire cast assembly (well, except Gallen Lo and Flora Chan), I won’t give an elaborate comments on their performances.

I’m very sure I said it before  , I was looking forward to this series mainly because one of the lead is Gallen Lo Ka Leung. It had been mentioned several times in media that he is the first Hongkong actor to potray such a high ranking PLA officer (or any PLA officers). That is certainly add the sense of expectation of “Lang Yan”. When Flora Chan was also confirmed to be in the series,  I pretty much hoping to see at the very least some shadows of Tim/Helen relationship in ATE ( At the Threshold of an Era) - blame me for being a huge fans for ATE.  Alas, there wasn’t the case. Flora Chan’s character, Han Ye, was paired with Zhu Beiyang and Gao Da was one of her acquintance and later, one of her friends. Meanwhile, quite the charming officer, Gao Da was surrounded by 3 women: his ex-wife, his colleague/subordinate, and Zhu Beiyang’s niece. For a career-minded Gao Da, he might be a successful and well-respected senior colonel but when it comes to the affair of heart, he is quite a clueless man. In this aspect, “Gao Da” is quiet similar with Gallen’s characters in ATE or Golden Faith.

Stir away from the casts, the main purpose of this serial titled “Lang Yan” is to celebrate People Liberation Army’s 80th Anniversary and to introduce PLA to general public, who more or less unaware of its function in the time of peace. Through “Lang Yan”, I assume that the military tries to emphasis the concept of “国防不是军防” - the responsibility of national defense is not solely a military defense, but rather is also the responsibility of every citizen of that nation.

Last but not least:

If you like military theme in general, you’ll enjoy watching “Lang Yan”. If you one of many fans of Gallen Lo, you don’t want to miss “Lang Yan”  Meanwhile, do enjoy “Lang Yan” ending theme, “Hero”, sung by Gallen Lo and Qian Lian. The video is courtesy of fellow Gallen’s fans, Mimosa at Gallen Harbor.


巫 剛   陳慧珊
特別推薦大陸演員巫 剛   他和陳慧珊很和拍'









