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標題: 關於暗倉既問題(好愁)~ [打印本頁]

作者: OL    時間: 2009-2-11 21:35     標題: 關於暗倉既問題(好愁)~

本人今年18歲.照計過晒青春期..但我e家仲好青春...話說係我15歲戈年既發育時期.,.戈陣係暑期..所以咪成日同d fd通宵去打機...日日都差吾多..跟住開始有暗倉 跟住開始緊張啦...咪查野囉...點知查左一排...已經冇晒嫁啦...點知過左幾個月又出番...跟住再查野...又冇左一排..跟轉又生番..風水輪流轉咁樣...之到上年既夏天.已經又好左好多嫁啦..點知冬天又出番黎..我心都淡9埋  我通常係冬天出暗倉..夏天戈排又好d咁嫁..我家姐話我可能一日洗太多臉.搞到成日脫水...但我覺得可能有少少關係..但都吾至於成日生掛
- -?唉.好愁...         我生活習慣近幾年超正常囉真係   又介左煙...又吾飲酒...10點半訓覺..係有時星期6 12點幾訓...我仲係個運動員tim...一個星期至少3日都有做運動...冇食熱氣野...勁飲水,食生果都係咁..頂...究竟點解...我自認自己吾樣衰..個樣都ok嫁...唉..但有左倉之後好似殘左咁個樣...有冇d專家人士解答到...好愁
作者: OL    時間: 2009-2-12 15:36

作者: ccddee    時間: 2009-2-12 16:46

作者: hallbig    時間: 2009-2-12 16:55

作者: 3蚊包    時間: 2009-2-12 21:33

作者: OL    時間: 2009-2-13 15:21

作者: ark4657    時間: 2009-2-13 17:20

haha... me acne problem still persist even in my 20s
i got a few friends having the same problem as well
so 18 years old isn't really out of the norm
you are not alone in this cursed cosmetic trouble

a lot of times, acne is really a genetic problem
got tonns of friends eat chilli like they are eating rice
but their skin's better than the air-brushed models on SKII ads
Reading from your post, you seem to do all the things right (probably apart from moisturising). So dun be too stress out, it's not ur problem, it's the genes.

Most topical cream for acne is to reduce the severity of acne and scarring. They are not meant to stop the acne.

Oh yea...dry skin will make the acne worse...
coz the dry scaly skin will shed off and block pores
oily secretions from the pores will be stuck in the pores, encouraging bacteria to grow
and waalllaaa you get acne!

Thus, moisturising is as important as cleaning the face in acne management. Apply moisturising cream everytime after you wash your face. You dun need high-tech big brand stuff for acne face. It's just a waste of money on gimmics. Choose something simple, like aqueous cream or sorbolene cream with 10% of glycerin. They should do the job perfectly.

Good luck!
I hope this tips will help!
作者: 師傅例牌    時間: 2009-2-13 19:56

作者: Teeny    時間: 2009-2-13 20:13

作者: OL    時間: 2009-2-16 17:27


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