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標題: [自seed] (Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-07-17 ~ 07-24 (英/粵)[中字][DivX] [打印本頁]

作者: 停止一切    時間: 2008-7-26 11:35     標題: (Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-07-17 ~ 07-24 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-07-17 ~ 07-24 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 510 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

24 Jul 2008        The Lions

Nick tries to find out who killed his father with the help of airplane mechanic and Darling aficionado Norman Exley (Gill Gayle). Juliet sulks in her new luxury hotel digs and refuses to participate in an important high-end photo shoot for the family involving trained lions. Tripp pressures Patrick to announce he's running for the Senate, even as his son continues to woo his secret lover, the transgendered Carmelita (Candis Cayne). Jeremy strikes up a secret romance with Juliet's biggest nemesis, notorious celebutante Natalie Kimpton (Tamara Feldman), and Brian drops his illegitimate son in Nick's lap.

Nick在飛機技工及達林家族的擁躉Norman Exley的協助下希望能找出殺害父親的兇手。Juliet拒絕與家人一同拍攝重要的家庭大合照。Tripp向Patrick施壓,逼使Patrick公 佈他競選參議員一事。與此同時,Patrick的兒子繼續追求他的秘密情人──變性人Carmelita。Jeremy與Juliet最大的死敵秘密交 往。Brian則一廂情願地將自己的私生子交由Nick照顧。

17 Jul 2008        Pilot

Power, privilege and family money are a volatile cocktail.

Living proof of this are the Darlings of New York City, so absurdly wealthy, they put the “upper” in Upper East Side. This preeminent family are always getting mixed up with the wrong people and finding themselves in the middle of bad situations. It will take a miracle to keep this Kennedy-esque clan out of the tabloids – and out of jail. That miracle comes in the form of Nick George.

As a boy, Nick watched his father surrender his freedom and family as the Darlings' trusted advisor. But the passing of his dad thrusts the responsibility of projecting the Darlings' secrets onto Nick. The job, with an ungodly salary, will allow Nick the freedom to be an altruistic do-gooder. But with new disasters every week, hopefully Nick has the stamina for a marathon.

“Dirty Sexy Money” was created by Emmy®-nominated Craig Wright (“Brothers & Sisters”, “Lost”, “Six Feet Under”). Three-time Emmy® nominee Peter Krause (“Six Feet Under”), Emmy® winner Donald Sutherland (“Citizen X”), tow-time Oscar® nominee Jill Clayburgh (“An Unmarried Woman”) and William Baldwin (“Silver”) star in his younger, sexier stepchild of “Dallas” and “Dynasty”.

In Pilot, Nick must now deal with the powerful and persuasive Tripp Darling, owner of vineyards and homes around the world. He lives with his beautiful, graceful and posh wife, Letitia. While they symbolize the charm and all-Americanism of old money, they also embody scandal and have spawned five grown, troubled children.


《錢作怪》的故事圍繞著富可敵國的達林家族,男主角Nick的父親是達林家的律師,負責處理大小事務,熟悉一切達林家不為人知的秘密。因這份工作 非常繁重,Nick自少被父親忽略,導致童年極不愉快,而Nick亦不欲與達林家扯上關係。可是,Nick的父親突然離世,達林家利誘Nick接手律師一 職。為了取得巨額薪酬以達成推動公益、回饋社會的理想,Nick決定子承父業,終日埋頭處理達林家沒完沒了的醜聞。

《錢作怪》未正式推出已備受注目,全因為有金牌編劇Craig Wright這一大保證。由他製作的《Brothers & Sisters》、《迷》及《六呎風雲》均是大熱作品,而家族情仇、黑色幽默及詭秘懸疑更是其拿手好戲。Wright除了編劇,亦與Greg Berlanti、Josh Reims、Matthew Gross及Bryan Singer兼任監製。他們請來三度獲艾美獎®提名的Peter Krause(《六呎風雲》)、艾美獎®得主Donald Sutherland、兩獲奧斯卡®提名的Jill Clayburgh,及William Baldwin(《偷窺》)坐陣演出,增添劇力。


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