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標題: 救命... toronto有咩好玩呀?? [打印本頁]

作者: 賭兩手    時間: 2009-4-24 22:41     標題: 救命... toronto有咩好玩呀??

我個friend要我plan個3日2夜trip去toronto玩... 我坐響度搵左2日資料, 覺得toronto完全冇野睇, 除左個CN Tower之外... 其他都係museum果d, 我地完全唔想去museum同shopping果d, 周圍都有啦, 有咩好睇arrr?? 真係唔知想點...

1. 有d咩野地方可以值得遊覽??
2. 邊度食野好食?
3. 仲有我地夜晚想去蒲, 邊間club/bar好玩??

thank you laaaa
作者: sexy    時間: 2009-4-25 01:03

基本上你都唔想去Toronto,問黎做咩?  港式旅遊,係無野睇。

1. 無。
2. 預算幾錢1餐先?  要平又好食 - 無? 要好食唔論$ ?  
3. 年齡?對象?目的?性向(例如有d人要想睇人妖)?                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
作者: 賭兩手    時間: 2009-4-25 08:30

The whole point was to visit Niagara Falls… but since Toronto is just an hour away, that’s why we are going there lor…
plus, I heard people said that Toronto is like Hong Kong.. honestly, I haven’t been back to Hong Kong in quite a while, that’s why I wanna go take a look lor (but I heard Vancouver is more like HK..)  

you live in Toronto ga?? recommend d restaurants/clubs gor d to me la...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
作者: sexy    時間: 2009-4-25 12:52

I guess you want HK style Chinese food.  Go up to highway 7 and Leslie St.  or Woodbine Av. area (just north of Toronto ), where most of the Chinese restaurants are.

Time Square(richmond hill), 1st Markham Place, with restaurants and Chinese shops. Most of the restaurants at 1st Markham Place are pretty good.  Northern Chinese, HK style western, Cantonese, everything. If the place is crowded, it's good.

I guess the most "HK like" place is Pacific Mall at the northern edge of Toronto, with hundreds of small shops like a typical HK 商場l in Mongkok, where people buy mobile phones, etc.

You can google search for these malls for directions.

Clubs: the entertainment district is downtown on Richmond St. between University Ave. and Spadina. That's mostly for people under 25. Like here for detailed listing

作者: 賭兩手    時間: 2009-4-25 19:21

多謝你呀!!! super helpful lor, 特別係club果一part...
我都有friend講過話有d mall 好似旺中之類... 但我問佢個名, 佢又話唔記得左... 食野都未必真係要食chinese嘅... 咩都得ga... 鬼佬好食嘅都想食下... 我諗度度唐人街都差唔多gua???
作者: littecoco    時間: 2009-4-25 22:03

Toronto has the best Chinese food in Canada because lot of chef from HK migrated to Canada before 1997.
作者: sexy    時間: 2009-4-26 23:57

yesterday went to Korea town for dinner again. Toronto has 2 Korea towns with authentic Korean food.  Downtown Bloor/Christie  and uptown North York Centre area.

Greek town for Greek food... downtown Danforth and Pape.

I still think Vancouver has better Chinese food because of more seafood. Lately in Toronto, many authentic mainland Chinese cuisines sprung up, including 新疆, 四川。。

Food in 唐人街 in Toronto isn't that good. It's in the suburbs like I mentioned above that are good.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
作者: pperson    時間: 2009-4-27 02:23

鬼佬西餐,我覺得KEG(食扒,個法國蝸牛幾好味 ) OR RED LOBSTER(E+好似係LOBSTER季)
2間都係有好多分店GE....OR TORONTO DOWNTOWN 有間STONE GRILL都幾特別 (一塊熱GE石頭板,你自己燒你個牛扒,幾成熟自己燒)

NIAGARA FALLS 如果會係個個度住可以揀GREAT WOLF LODGE,因為有WATERPARK,我去左2次喇                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
作者: 冇反應    時間: 2009-4-27 05:45

In Niagara Fall, you can go to Restaurant " Rain forest" the ambiance is pretty good.
Or you can go to "Sky Tower" Skylon to enjoy you dinner, the feel is pretty pretty good! You can all of the Niagara Fall from up stair.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
作者: OhNo    時間: 2009-4-28 14:23

Go to Wonderland if you go in summer.
作者: 賭兩手    時間: 2009-4-29 08:50

omg... u guys are super helpful!!!

Wonderland?? i guess its just something like Six Flagsss, right? since i've been to Six Flagss, so maybe i will just skip Wonderland laaa. but thank you so much!!! : )
作者: sexy    時間: 2009-4-29 10:33

no where near as exciting as 6 flags.

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