

Baron davis has 5 years left on his contract.  On the contrary, T-Mac's contract is due at the end of the 09-10 season.  Realistically, the Clippers are not going to make the playoffs this year.  They can gamble by taking T-Mac, hoping that he can play 50% of next season's games and let him walk by the end of his contract.  The damage to the clips are minimal because t-mac will only be there for one year.  Once his contract expires they will have enough cap space to compete with NY and Chicago for big name free agents in the summer of 2010.  LA is an attractive destination for many players due to the size of the market.  

The Rockets can benefit from this deal immediately.  An athletic, powerful point guard can really help this team offensively and defensively.  BD has the strength and pace to drive to the basket.  Moreover, he has the ability to drop in 30-35 pts a game and cause matchup problems for the opposition.  His size allows him to post up and defend multiple positions.  Similar to T-Mac he has a history of health issues.  If anything goes wrong to his body, the rockets are stuck with him for 5 seasons.  At this point, rockets fans are extremely upset with mcgrady.  Trading him can instantly relieve the anger of the fans, but in the long run it may be a risky move.  Perhaps sticking with T-mac until 2010 or trade him at the end of this year is the best solution.  Lets hope that Yao and Artest can step up and show the world that they can advance to the 2nd round without T-mac.

