
Red Bull Paper Wings 2009

Red Bull Paper Wings 2009

Red Bull Paper Wings起飛啦!

參加比賽不難,但要爭勝卻半點不易。可有想過只需發揮創意,不斷追尋完美,再加上你強壯的手臂,即使憑一張紙都可讓您在體壇留名?古中國流傳下來的摺紙玩意已發展成今天的國際競賽。假如你是本港各大專院校的學生,即可報名參加「Red Bull Paper Wings 2009」香港區選拔賽。


上屆「Red Bull Paper Wings」共於全球舉行了260場外圍賽,吸引來自50個國家超過10, 000名參賽者分別就「最長飛行距離」、「最長飛行時間」及「最佳飛行特技」三個項目一較高下。今年戰況定必更為激烈,萬勿錯過!

詳情請到 http://www.redbullpaperwings.com/?cmd=cmdCountry&iId=598&iCountryId=33

Taking part may be simple, but winning Red Bull Paper Wings is a very different matter indeed.

With just a sheet of paper, plenty of ideas, strong or skillful upper arms and a healthy portion of idealism, you can go down in sporting history.

However, if you want to battle at the World Final at Hanger-7 in Salzburg, Austria in May 2009, you will first have to prove yourself against the best flyers from your country in the national qualiflying events, in the following three categories:

Category 1 - Longest Distance
Category 2 - Longest Airtime
Category 3 - Aerobatics

Hong Kong Qualiflyers:
Mar 6 -- CUHK -- John Fulton Multifunctional Room
Mar 12 -- HKU -- CYM Amusement Centre Room 105
Mar 13 -- City U -- Telford Annex Assembly Hall (Kowloon Bay)

Hong Kong Final:
Mar 24 -- HKU -- Ho Tim Hall

World Finals :
April 30 - May 3 -- Salzburg, Austria

For details, please visit http://www.redbullpaperwings.com/?cmd=cmdCountry&iId=598&iCountryId=33

