
Macbook Aluminium Glossy Display

macbook pro.

反光? no way.... it's a mirror.


but their glossy is not the same as the mac glossy

their glossy, esp Dell/ HP, looks like a "Ha Ha mirrow", while mac one is a flat mirrow


depends on your working environment

if you use it at home most of the time when you can control the lighting, then it's alright
for you can adjust the lcd angle, turn off the light, sit in opposit direction, whatsoever

but buying MBP is for its mobility, and that means outside home, which have little control of your environment

I used at school library, the reflection is not fatal, only disturbing, because I have to lower the chair to the lowest so that the lcd won't have an upward angle and reflect the spotlight at the ceiling

sometime I used my old MBP at the open area, but now its impossible, for I can see what is behind me 10 times clearer than the text on screen

some other time, I was forced to maximize the brightness of the LCD trying to make the reflection less visible, even it's so bright that I feel my eye's hurting (my standard setting is level 7, maximum is level 16)

all in all, I am not here to complain or what
just speak out of my experience, and show that my hate of glossy is not empty.

