
New World Order & Daniel 7 , 8

Many were so alarmed by the accuracy of Daniel's prophecy.  The leopard with wings was Greece and Alexander the Great rose and conquered the known earth within a very short period of time, however, he died young.  After his death, the Hellenistic Empire was divided into different parts which was described as the northern, southern, etc. in Chapter 11.  Some Jews who only read the Old Testament, have been reading Daniel for the prophecy of the end of days.  

I have heard differently for the following terms :
Sea - Jews in the old days consider the sea as mysterious and things coming out from the sea would be "no good"
the Bear being able to stand on its feet like man and having a human heart - Nebuchadnezzar finally praised G-d (Daniel 4:34-37).


獸就是今天的北約   也就是耶教區+Turks
>> I don't think so.

Actually, I do not understand what you are getting at with the quotes above.


I'm afraid you have misunderstood me.
I disagree that it means 北約 because NATO has lost much of its influence and has given way to other organisations.  耶教區+Turks ?  You mean the EU ?  
I honestly do not understand your quotes without explaining your point of view.

