
究竟有冇Quantum Chemistry呢樣野架?

Sure there is. Quantum chemistry is a branch of theoretical chemistry in which the concepts of quantum mechanics are applied to understanding the working principles of chemistry and solving the problems encountered in electronic structure calculations of atoms and molecules, spectroscopy and dynamics.

Quantum chemistry is apparently similar to quantum mechanics in physics, but their goals are substantially different.


It is true when concerning the development of the theoretical foundation of modern chemistry. Modern chemistry is constructed on the basis of both theories and experiments; however, the latter one is still at the leading role.


Indeed the contents of quantum physics and quantum chemistry are quite different. For example, QC focuses mainly on solving the problems regarding atoms and molecules, as well as spectroscopy, while QM concerns the development of the mathematical and conceptual foundation of QM, and how they can be applied to simple (and sometime hypothetical) examples.  (At undergraduate level only; QM in graduate level is very practical as professors very often teach QM with examples from astrophysical, particle, nuclear, electromagnetic, optical, and condensed-matter physics.)

