
[自seed] (Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-04 ~ 09-11 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

(Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-04 ~ 09-11 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-04 ~ 09-11 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 510 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

11 Sep 2008        The Wedding

Karen's cold feet about marrying Freddy (Daniel Cosgrove) cause drama as her wedding day arrives, and Lisa suspects that Nick is the reason why. Brian Jr.'s (Will Shadley) mother returns after her two-month Brazilian getaway to reclaim her son, to whom Brian Sr. is now attached. As Patrick's senatorial campaign heats up, his wife finds out about his extramarital affair from an unlikely source. Meanwhile, Natalie Kimpton (Tamara Feldman), who has stolen Juliet's bangs as well as her brother, tries to mend fences with Juliet by releasing a pop song with lyrics about forgiveness -- but a distrustful Jeremy thinks Natalie is pulling a con.

Karen下嫁Freddy的日子快將來臨,但她的心情卻十分忐忑,Lisa則懷疑Nick正正是讓Karen舉棋不定的原因。Brian Jr.的母親從巴西回來,試圖從丈夫那兒爭取兒子到自己身邊,可是她的丈夫已經對Brian Jr.建立了感情。另一方面,Patrick參選參議院的競選活動進行得如火如荼,但他的妻子卻在這個時候發現了丈夫的婚外情!

4 Sep 2008        The Game

A high-stakes poker game on a yacht -- $20 million just to get in -- pits Simon Elder against Tripp, and the wagers are some of Manhattan's most sought-after properties. If Nick can convince Tripp to bet his most prized property, Elder will give Nick the dirt on his father's death. Karen panics when she learns she can't marry her fourth husband until her last divorce from the wildly irresistible Sebastian Fleet (Eddie Cibrian) is finalized. Meanwhile, Juliet introduces Brian Jr. (Will Shadley) to the joys of materialism, a blackmailer takes photos of Patrick and Carmelita, and Jeremy starts working for Tripp as a parking lot attendant -- but is distracted by a mysterious beauty (Sof质a Vergara).

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