
[自seed] (Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-07-23 (英/粵)[中字]

(Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-07-23 (英/粵)[中字]

[自seed](Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-07-23 (英/粵)[中字]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 262 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

23 Jul 2008        The Woman In The Tunnel

Brennan, Booth, and Zack rappel down a ventilation shaft leading to a tunnel beneath Washington DC. When they reach bottom they meet with some police officers, who are guarding the remains of a human body. Brennan borrows Booth's gun so she can kill some nearby rats, giving the rats that are feasting on the body something else to eat. A preliminary examination of the body reveals that the victim is a twenty-something female. Brennan notices a man standing in the tunnels observing the group. When the man runs off, Brennan gives chase, but the man gets away...

Brennan、Booth及Zack深入首都華盛頓已棄用的地下水道調查一宗謀殺案件。一具屍體在地下水道中被發現,經調查後證實死者是二十餘 歲的紀錄片製作人Marni Hunter。她生前最近正單獨進行地下水道的拍攝工作,而未婚夫亦於十日前向警方報案指妻子失蹤。到底誰是兇手?而一名住在水道的流浪漢又與此案有何關 連?案情能否水落石出?

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