
Search for JOY

Search for JOY

"Search for JOY"

Time goes by, tough time flies by,

Time goes by like a shooting star.

The dawn sleeps, the dawn rhymes and the dawn rises,

Love is over the ocean, throughout the sunshine,

Time gives freedom and peace some inspiring sounds.

The night falls, the night frowns and the night shines,

The nightmire was gone while the blessing is found.

I ever search for psalms and lullabies.

Time says hi, tough time says bye,

Time says hi like a splendid smile,

People laugh, people browse and people sigh,

People learn from every cry,

Time drops dreams and souls some refreshing lines.

People grow, people die and people arrive,

People fight hard for their own life when hope is still alive.

I ever search for my JOY and pride.

my writings: http://www.opendiary.com/entrylist.asp?authorcode=D343678
my msn: wilsoncheungy2k@hotmail.com
my facebook: esquire.poet.wilson@gmail.com
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