
有無人in完Msc Marketing??

if they have choices, i agree they would prefer to admit those who have at least 2 years working experience (as mentioned in their website)

indeed, i asked the interviewers during interview if they are confident to admit most students with some working experience... they said YES.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


well, what do you expect from me? haha

of cause I would say YES, it helps!

they might want to admit students with big diversity.

but, especially for this year intake, due to the huge competition, I think applicants with strong working experience would have bigger chances.


I have worked in the marketing industry for nearly two years.

I also doubt if I will be admitted.

But, to be honest, If I were admitted, I prefer my peers have some solid marketing experience.


errr.... if you check CUHK marketing brochure, you would know big diversity of their class... so i guess cityu would apply similar principle.


partially agree

but related job function is very important too.

i prefer to student with those who have actual hand-on marketing experience, no matter from what industry.


well, what do you expect from me? haha

of cause I would say YES, it helps!

they might want to admit students with big diversity.

but, especially for this year intake, due to the huge competition, I think applicants with strong working experience would have bigger chances.


partially agree

but related job function is very important too.

i prefer to student with those who have actual hand-on marketing experience, no matter from what industry.

